Friday 19 August 2016

Dangerous Lies

Dangerous Lies
Becca Fitzpatrick
Young Adult, Fiction
Rating: 4/10

“Great premise, terrible juxtaposition.” -breeinbookland

Dangerous Lies tells the story of a teenage girl who is forced to make a fresh start after witnessing a violent crime. Despite her choice to participate in a witness protection program love and danger find her anyway. 

Okay . . . Selfishly I expected this story to be a bit more sexy and mysterious than it actually played out to be. I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, this YA read is definitely a swoon worthy romance! 

Honestly, I was slightly disappointed that the novel revolved more around the romance and "fitting in" than the actual fact that Estella was in danger and there were deadly criminals after her. The criminals were definitely not the most threatening characters in this novel. However, Becca Fitzpatrick did a great job at bringing everything together at the end, and following though with the witness protection program side of the plot.  

I still cant get over the fact that once Estella got to her witness protection placement the novel merely turned into a country romance, with a couple secrets dangling on the tip of her tongue. 
The actual character development was not as desired, and honestly the main plot wasn't realistic to the main characters actions. The novel clearly states that there is literally a drug cartel that will not stop searching for Estella until she was dead. SO how come the only problems or barriers in this novel for Estella were merely fitting in? I don't get it. I think Becca Fitzpatick could have made this plot into a really good suspenseful thriller novel (with obviously some sexy romance, duh) but the plot wasn't really carried though to its hype and it got lost along the way.  

Becca Fitzpatrick did use a couple different forms of “media” in this novel that kept the readers interest; this was done by using written letters from Estella’s forbidden lover, as well as emails. Thus in my mind adds a bit of uniqueness to the novel.

Overall it seems that I really don’t have much to say about Dangerous Lies, there's just something that's stopping me from enjoying this novel to the fullest and I can't quite put my finger on it. It had a great premise and was a good idea but the actual pieces of the story didn't quite fit together properly. This book would be good for anyone that likes a cute, but slow romance. That's about all I can say. 

Back Of The Novel Synopsis

“Stella Gordon’s life is a lie. She does not belong in Thunder Basin, Nebraska. As the star witness in a murder trial against a drug dealer, Stella is now in the Witness Protection Program. The small-town locals can never know who she really is. Not even Chet Falconer, the one boy who makes her want to reveal her true self. She knows that telling the truth will only bring violence to this safe haven.
Despite how hard Stella tries to stay under the radar, danger is fast approaching. Criminals have a way of getting rid of witnesses, and Stella may have made the one mistake that could lead the cold-blooded men hunting for her right to her doorstep.”


 I have read other works (meaning all) by Becca Fitzpatrick so my expectations were already sketched out and incredibly high, especially in comparison to her Hush, Hush saga. Which I absolutely loved and adored. Patch for the win. That being said, Dangerous Lies was a good read, just very different from what I was expecting. Hopefully I'll get to a review for Black Ice.

Instagram: breeinbookland 

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